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What are the benefits of supplementing carbon sources?

Author:小编 Date:2021-01-29 17:36:02 Hits:

Farmers often have a headache: why the early stage of breeding a lot of fertilizer, ammonia nitrogen is very high water or clear bottom? In the middle and late stage of cultivation, the more sunny the easier it is to "dump algae", with more foam, aging algae, high ammonia nitrogen or nitrite, and unstable water bodies.

In fact, these phenomena are mostly related to insufficient carbon sources in water.

In the process of culture, the soluble sugar in the water of culture pond decreases gradually with the extension of culture cycle, and keeps at a low level. Without a carbon source, microbes (good bacteria) lack energy to effectively break down organic matter in the water, making it dirtier and dirtier.

Sugar is an essential carbon source for the growth of microorganisms in pond water. Due to the lack of carbon sources in the water, the proportion of carbon and nitrogen in the nutrients in the water is unbalanced, and most microorganisms cannot grow normally.

1. What is a carbon source?

Nutrients that provide a source of carbon in cell components or metabolites are often called carbon sources. Substances that provide a source of nitrogen in cellular components are called nitrogen sources. The ratio of nutrient elements to carbon and nitrogen is called the ratio of carbon and nitrogen.

The effect of carbon source on the growth and metabolism of microorganisms is mainly to provide the carbon shelf of cells, to provide the energy required by cell life activities, and to provide the carbon shelf of synthetic products. Studies have shown that the absorption of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite can be effectively promoted and the total nitrogen can be reduced by supplementing carbon sources.

The common carbon sources of microorganisms are divided into organic carbon sources and inorganic carbon sources. Organic carbon sources include various sugars, proteins, fats, organic acids and so on.

2. What are the effects of carbon sources?

1. Supplements organic carbon, stabilizes the balance of bacteria and algae in water, stabilizes pH, and prevents changes in water quality caused by abrupt weather;

2. Rich in fermentation protein, amino acids and reducing sugar, promote the reproduction and growth of beneficial algae and microorganisms, and stabilize water color;

3. Use phosphorus in water to participate in photosynthesis and respiration, and inhibit the generation of cyanobacteria toxin;

4. Rich in fulvic acid, with strong complexation, chelation and surface adsorption capacity, loose substrate, effective removal of ammonia nitrogen in water.

What are the benefits of supplementing carbon sources?(图1)

Third, how to choose the right carbon source?

There are farmers said, lack of carbon easy to do! There are a lot of oligosaccharides and biological fertilizers on the market, all of which contain carbon, which in principle can provide a carbon source. But fundamentally, the carbon that is provided can be minimal, and most of it is a polysaccharide that needs to be broken down into simple sugars before it can be absorbed.

In order to solve the problems of farmers, Angui Aquaculture Co., Ltd. has developed an organic carbon source (mainly containing C fertilizer, with a small amount of N, P, K fertilizer), which can cultivate natural suitable bait with complete nutrition in a short time. It can make up for the shortcomings of inorganic and organic fertilizers at the same time. The ratio is scientific, and good fertilization effect can be obtained after application, saving fertilizer consumption, and truly replenishing the carbon source needed by microorganisms in the water body.

Product Description:

It is a new type of composite carbon source which can promote the rapid propagation of bacteria, improve the use effect of probiotics and improve the removal effect of total nitrogen in sewage.

Product advantages and features:

Supplementing carbon sources; Improve the resistance of algae to stress; Complexing heavy metals;

Let the efficiency of algae and fungi increase by more than 1000 times;

Non-toxic, harmless, biologically friendly, to fish and shrimp have a feeding effect;

【 Function and purpose 】

1, used in a variety of aquaculture water algae culture, play the role of "carbon fertilizer"; When used together with other aquaculture products, it can achieve the effect of rapid and long-term aquaculture.

2. Frequent use of this product in the process of aquaculture can improve the resistance of beneficial algae and create stable aquaculture water color.

3. When used to improve water quality and bottom quality, combined with the use of probiotics, the content and toxicity of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances can be significantly increased by probiotics, which is an excellent companion of probiotics.

[Usage and Dosage] After diluted with water, sprinkle the whole pool.

1. 1-2kg/ mu · meter, used once every 5-7 days;

2. When used in the early stage of algal culture, it can be used in conjunction with other algal culture products to extend the time of algal culture;

3. It can be used in combination with probiotics for better effect when applying topdressing or regulating water quality in the process of breeding.

[Gold Fertilizer and Water Combination] :

The main role is used for lactic acid bacteria (such as beneficial bacteria) expansion of culture and appreciation, the role of lactic acid bacteria liquid: (1) internal administration to promote the decomposition of feed and other substances, promote the absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract; (2) external stability of water quality, promote the stability of algae, reduce ammonia nitrogen, sub-salt; ③ reduce the pH value; (4) degradation of toxins (similar to organic acid detoxification); (5) inhibit the outbreak of blue algae.

In short, the lack of carbon sources in aquaculture water will inevitably lead to excessive nitrogen content, which will lead to excessive inorganic carbon, namely carbon dioxide content, excessive organic matter, lack of dissolved oxygen, excessive nitrite and hydrogen sulfide content, and eutrophication of water. The lack of organic carbon will also affect the normal growth of algae living matter and aquatic grass, resulting in insufficient algae, affecting the output of carbon sources, resulting in difficulties in fertilizer.

Therefore, we should supplement suitable carbon sources for aquaculture water in time, consume ammonia nitrogen in water, promote the conversion of nitrite, improve aquaculture conditions, reduce pollution, and improve the yield and performance of aquaculture organisms.

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